Monday 13 December 2010

Person of the Year 2010

Rank- Name- Total Votes
1- Julian Assange- right choice- 382.017
2- Recep Tayyip Erdogan-( rude and low profile) -233.636
3- Lady Gaga- (talented)-146.378
4-Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert- (not interested)-78.145
5-Glenn Beck- (who is he?)-91.746
6-Barack Obama-( he already had a Nobel)-27.478
7-Steve Jobs- (he is man of 2000s)-24.810
8-The Chilean Miners- (why not?)-29.124
9-The Unemployed American-(mmmm)-19.605
10-Mark Zuckerberg-(only if he donates half of this fortune)-18.353

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